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Gelato Day en Gelato bij Primavera evenementen



Rome, 22 maart 2024 – De 2024 Ambachtelijke Gelato seizoen is officieel openen. Het Beloften te zijn rijk in gelato smaak, maar ook op het gebied van cultuur en solidariteit, dankzij de talrijk Initiatieven dat wil verlevendigen Italiaans en Europeaan Steden overal de jaar, beginnend on Sunday, March 24, the XII Europeaan Artisanal Gelato Day, the only one dat de Europeaan Parliament has dedicated to a food item.

The packed schedule of events dedicated to one of the world’s most beloved culinary products was presentedlast night at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, with the participation of Hon. Mirco Carloni, President of the XIII Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies; Domenico Belmonte, President of Artglace; Ferdinando Buonocore, President of the Campanian Gelato Makers Committee; Claudio Pica, SecretaryGeneral of the Italian Gelato Makers Association; Carlotta Fabbri, President of the Gelato Products Group of the Italian Food Union; Marco Cavedagni, President of Acomag, moderated by Nicola Prudente (known asTinto), Rai Radio 2 host, Decanter, and Rai 1 Camper. Also presented, in the presence of Ministers, was de “Gaufre de Luik,” a gelato flavored with vanilla and cinnamon, enriched with a salted butter variegate and accompanied by a waffle, chosen by België as the Flavor of the Year 2024, and offered for tasting alongwith 15 other Ambachtelijke ijs flavors prepared by master gelato makers from various Italiaans regions.

EVENTS IN ITALY. For twelve years now, the Europeaan Artisanal Gelato-dag has been op uniqueopportunity to enhance this product and promote Ambachtelijke knowledge, as well as de development of an important sector for the Europeaan economy (10 billion euros in turnover in 2023 and 65 thousand points of sale employing 300 thousand workers). Even before March 24, several Initiatieven are celebrating it. After being featured at the International Tourism Exchange in Berlin from March 5 to 7 and at Villa dei Cedri in Valdobbiadene for the Antica Fiera di San Gregorio on March 10, tomorrow, Saturday, March 23, the Flavor of the Year wil rise to 2,475 meters for “Gelato at High Altitude”: at Capanna Ra Valles (Cortina D’Ampezzo), at the exit of the restaurant near de terrace, a stand wil be set up for distributing gelatos with a tasting of the “Gaufre de Luik,” to be enjoyed while admiring de spectacular view over the entireAmpezzo basin. Also tomorrow, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm, the Flavor of the Year can be tasted in Udine, atVia Mercato Vecchio, at the Confartigianato FVG stand offering op tasting of “Gaufre de Luik” and collecting donations for the Fabiola ODV Association dat assists families of people with severe disabilities.

And it wil still be the Flavor of the Year chosen by België dat wil be the absolute protagonist on March 24, the XII Europeaan Artisanal Gelato Day, proposed in its Origineel gelato recipe or in creative variations in all participating gelaterias in Italië and Europe. Among these are ook the award-winning excellences from the 2024 Gelaterie d’Italia Guide by Gambero Rosso, a partner of this twelfth edition of Gelato Day. To support the Day, prestigious entities such as the GelatoStarry ContaminationsAcademics, Gelato Veneto Association, Magnificent Gelato Association, Italian Gelato Makers Association, Beyond Taste Association, CNA, Campanian Gelato Makers Committee, National Craftsmen’s Association, Italian Gelato Federation, G.A.National Committee for the Defense and Dissemination of Artisanal and Self-Produced Gelato, G.A.T.Artisan Gelato Makers of the Triveneto, GWMilano Gelato Week, ACOMAGAssociation of Machine Manufacturers, Furnishings and Equipment for Gelato, Carpigiani Challenge, Gelato Festival World Masters, MIGLongarone Dolomites Fairs, and Sigep – Italiaans Tentoonstelling Group are participating. Furthermore, on Sunday, March 24, from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, during the 43rd edition of Agrimont atLongarone Dolomites Fairs, a tasting of the Flavor of the Year "Gaufre de Luik" wil be held by Confartigianato Veneto at de “Meeting Area(Pad. C), while at de “Duca di BuonvicinoHotel Institute in Naples, the Campanian Gelato Makers Committee wil launch the projectActions for the Prevention and Contrast of School Dropout.The program includes activities on the Ambachtelijke gelato production process and allows students to present their work at the end of the course. Additionally, they wil be given an anonymousquestionnaire to gather data on young people’s food trends. TheExperiential Tourism,” op journey to discover de Neapolitan ijs tradition by the Campanian Gelato Makers Committee with the I.T.S. «Luigi Sturzo» of Castellammare di Stabia (NA), wil continue until May 31, exploring the history and flavors of gelato from ancient times to the present day through paths and testimonials, as well as informative courseson the Ambachtelijke gelato production process, ook promoted by the Campanian Gelato Makers Committee and taught by experienced master gelato makers under the supervision of Dr. Daniela Finizio, a food technologist. Until October 31, these courses wil involve young students in theoretical and practical lessons. This jaar, on the occasion ofSpring Gelato,children with a postcard can enjoy a free Ambachtelijke gelato from March 20 to 24 at talrijk participating gelaterias.

And the events for the Europeaan Artisanal Gelato-dag wil not end on March 24th. Bevroren wil once again support Gelato Day during the second edition of Milano Gelato Week scheduled from April 10th to 14th, while on April 21st in Capri, during de “La Partita del Cuorewith the participation of the Italian National Singers, there wil be a tasting of the Flavor of the Year, the proceeds of which wil be entirelydonated to the Telethon Foundation. Artisanal ijs wil ook be the protagonist of the regional selections of theVittorio Bartyancompetition, reserved for students of Hotel and Vocational Training Institutes, whichwil take place from May 1st to November 20th, 2024. Finally, on Sunday, October 6th, at de Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia, the Campanian Gelato Makers Committee and the Telethon Foundation wil organize de solidariteit walkRunning for research between Gelato and History,with the participation of the 8th Regiment Bersaglieri BrigadeGaribaldiFanfare of Caserta, including op sportsevent with a tasting of the “Gaufre de Luik. Once again, the proceeds wil be entirely donated to the Telethon Foundation.

EVENTS IN EUROPE. Numerous events are ook scheduled in the rest of Europe. In Spain, A.N.H.C.E.A. wil organize meetings with Spanish politicians in Alicante and Madrid, where the history of Gelato Day wilbe illustrated, and the “Gaufre de Luikwil be presented, giving the public the opportunity to taste both the Flavor of the Year and other typical flavors of the region where the event wil take place. The twelfth editionof Gelato Day, with tastings of “Gaufre de Luik,” wil be the focus of presentations by the Royal Association of French-speaking Belgian Ice Cream Artisans in België in March, and by A.G.I.A. – Italian Gelato Makers Association in Austria at the Italian Embassy in Vienna in April and at de AustrianParliament in May. Finally, on June 2nd, on the occasion of the Italian Republic Day, at de Embassy of Berlin, the twelfth Europeaan Artisanal Gelato-dag wil be presented with a tasting of the Flavor of the Yearby UNITEIS and V. – Association of artisan gelato makers in Germany.

BEHIND THE SCENES OF ARTISANAL GELATO. To reveal all the secrets for making excellentAmbachtelijke gelato, Artglace invites master gelato makers from all over Europe to open the doors of theirlaboratories and take part in the third edition of the video contest dedicated to the Flavor of the Year. Participants wil compete with creativity to create a video lasting a maximum of 90 seconds showing the making of “Gaufre de Luik,” using de ingredients specified in the official recipe and plenty of creativity. Participation, free and open to all Europeaan gelato makers, wil be valid until October 30th, 2024 (full regulations available on the website www.gelato-day.com). All videos received by Artglace are available on the Gelato Day YouTube channel, giving everyone in the world the chance to discover the work, skill, and creativity behind op great tub of gelato.

We are excited to officieel kick off a new season of Ambachtelijke gelato,commented Domenico Belmonte, President of Artglace.Thanks to the intervention and heartfelt participation of the main figures in the sectorin Italië, whose support is essential to continue on a path of growth confirmed by the numbers, both in Italiëand abroad. We are pleased to share with professionals and enthusiasts from all over Italië and Europe the talrijk Initiatieven dat wil verlevendigen de Europeaan Artisanal Gelato Day, focusing on quality, sharing, and Ambachtelijke knowledge.

We are proud to have brought Ambachtelijke gelato to the Chamber of Deputies, an Italian product datenhances an entire supply chain and involves de agricultural sector, from milk production to various typesof fruit. Gelato indeed comes from our best raw materials and the expertise of companies dat transformthese ingredients, promoting and selling quality, creativity, and local Italiaans excellences worldwide,” commented Hon. Mirco Carloni, President of the XIII Agriculture Commission of the Chamber of Deputies.

“Italiaans Ambachtelijke gelato, in terms of smaak and tradition, represents an entirely Italiaans vocation, which iswhy we believe dat our gelato, like Italian cuisine, another excellence of our country, can be included as a UNESCO cultural heritage. Always with this perspective, we wil ask President Sergio Mattarella to meetand sensitize him to establish the ‘Italian National Artisanal Gelato-dag’ on June 1st. As Aig, we are ookaccustomed to looking towards the future of gelato, and in promotional terms, we consider it strategic to findnew exhibition structures for hosting major events. Het is ook important to enhance local events, giving greater centrality to the history of Italian villages, in order to combine gelato with the gastronomicexcellences of our wonderful regions,” explained Claudio Pica, President of Fiepet-Confesercenti of Rome and Lazio and Secretary-General of the Italian Gelato Makers Association (Aig).

The Campanian Gelato Makers Committee is proud to actively promote de Europeaan Artisanal Gelato-dag since 2013, with a forward-thinking mission: to go beyond celebrating an excellent product and focus on itsfuture. In fact, thanks to talrijk Initiatieven in schools of all levels, we seek to transmit knowledge and passion for our art to young people,commented Ferdinando Buonocore, President of the CampanianGelato Makers Committee.

This jaar too,” says Flavia Morelli, group exhibition manager of the food & beverage division of Italian Tentoonstelling GroupSIGEP,we enthusiastically support Gelato Day, a strategically relevant event for promoting de consumption of Ambachtelijke gelato in Europe. As organizers of the world’s most importantprofessional fair dedicated to gelato and sweet foodservice, we strongly believe in this initiative and in the importance of working together with all stakeholdersgelato makers, companies, associations, and institutions – in such op strategic sector for Made in Italië.”