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Il gelato unisce l’Europa tra coni e solidarietà

On March 24, the tenth edition of the European Day of Artisanal Gelato is celebrated

Final preparations for the European Day of Artisanal Gelato, the only day that the European Parliament has ever dedicated to a food, that the next Thursday, March 24 will celebrate his Tenth Anniversary.

Capable of sustaining a €8.7 billion in turnoverbeyond 65,000 points of sale and 300,000 employees only in Europe, the Ice cream it has always been a real trait d'union of the Old Continent, and this year it is even more A symbol of the Union and the closeness of all European citizens.

"After two years of closures due to the pandemic, on March 24 we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of Gelato Day by officially inaugurating the 2022 season of artisanal gelato: a season that we hope will be a real recovery for the entire sector and for the entire supply chain, and above all a season that will see us more united and closer," he explains Domenico Belmonte, President of Artglace. The European Day of Artisanal Gelato represents the union of all European countries and has grown over the years involving numerous other countries, all united by the same, great passion for artisanal gelato, which has always been an expression of quality, authenticity and territoriality, capable of bringing everyone together, young and old, all over the world."

And for Gelato Day, the master gelato makers are preparing to give life to numerous events and initiatives to contribute to the enhancement of this product, the promotion of artisan knowledge and the development of the gastronomic tradition of the sector, preparing "Dolce Sinfonia", the Taste of the Year 2022 based on chocolate, hazelnuts, fresh ricotta and figs in rum syrup, according to the official recipe signed by Silvia Chirico of the Chirico Estate in Ascea.


The first initiatives are already underway in these days on the occasion of the Hospitality Fair, in Riva Del Garda, from 21 to 24 March: on 24 March at 11.00 a.m., in particular, we will talk about Ice Cream in Catering with Paolo Garna, former general manager of MIG in Longarone, Matteo Andreola, Business Unit Manager Carpigiani Foodservice Professional & Pastry, and Manuel Marzari, Pastry Chef who, in addition to bringing his own experience, will prepare the Taste of the Year 2022.

And to reveal all the secrets of "Dolce Sinfonia", on March 24 Gelato University organizes two live streaming: at 11.30 a.m., in Italian, with the ice cream maker Marco Venturino of the ice cream parlor I giardini di Marzo in Varazze (Savona), and at 3.00 p.m., in English, with the lecturer Stefano Tarquinio. Confartigianato, on the other hand, in addition to the talk dedicated to the Taste of the Year during SIGEP, involved the gelato makers of all its regional and provincial federations to tell, as well as let enthusiasts taste, all the craftsmanship, knowledge and excellence behind an excellent artisanal ice cream. Good, but also nutritious, ice cream is one of the few desserts that can be considered a balanced and balanced food in all respects.

And Taste 17 in Milan it will take the opportunity of Gelato Day to present, alongside the delicious Taste of the Year, three new ice cream sticks in which refined sugars have been replaced by Giorgio Poeta's Acacia honey: sustainable, with fewer calories and more vitamins and antioxidants. And that's not all: Gusto 17 continues to support Make-A-Wish Italia Onlus, allocating part of the proceeds from each order of personalized ice cream pastries to the non-profit organization that fulfills the wishes of seriously ill children and young people.

In fact, it's not just about cones and cups: as per tradition Gelato Day becomes a precious opportunity to do good. And here it is that a Bergamo Ice cream makers join the campaign “An ice cream for Ukraine” donating part of the proceeds on March 24 to raise funds to be donated to the Foundation of the Bergamo Community, promoted in collaboration with the diocesan Caritas and the Eco di Bergamo, To help the people of Ukraine coming to our territory.

Also Silvia Chirico, which signed the official recipe of "Dolce Sinfonia", joins this campaign: for every Flavour of the Year ice cream purchased from 19 to 25 March, the Tenuta Chirico di Ascea will give an invitation to the Concert for Peace scheduled for 26 March, at 7.00 pm, at the Parmenide Auditorium in Ascea.

At Cariati (Cosenza), on 24 March, at 10:30 a.m., theAntica Gelateria Fortino he will go with his characteristic ice cream truck to the entrance of the Cariati "Vittorio Cosentino" Hospital (which is also a Covid-19 hub), to offer free of charge to all healthcare professionals, the artisanal ice cream with the "Dolce Sinfonia" flavor.

Again, the "Alfonso Gatto" state high school in Agropoli (Salerno) will celebrate artisanal ice cream during the Sports Festival, the event that brings together all students in the name of sport, rules and fair play by the Campania Gelato Makers Committee.

And, in order not to miss any initiative, it will be possible to consult the List of participating ice cream parlors hand-to-mouth.


For the second year in a row, the partnership with Deliveroo, which will promote an information campaign dedicated to Gelato Day throughout the week. And On March 24th, the Taste of the Year will also be available at home, with free delivery from participating ice cream parlors: Sweety Gelato di Roma and Terra Gelato, Gelateria Concordia, Premiata Cremeria Rossi, Oasi del Gelato, Artico Gelateria – Isola di Milano.


Not only Italy: Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, up to Argentina and Japan, will come together on Gelato Day to celebrate one of the most beloved products of all time. At Vienna, in particular, spring will be inaugurated with a tribute to the Taste of the Year, which will be repeated on 24 March, while The Netherlands joins the "Ice cream for Ukraine" campaign and in the windows of all Dutch ice cream makers, alongside the "Sweet Symphony" Flavor of the Year, the "apple pie" flavor will be proposed: together, they will contribute to a fundraiser to give a signal of participation and closeness to the Ukrainian populations affected by the conflict.


And the celebrations of artisanal ice cream will continue in the coming months. At the beginning of May, for example, the Antica Gelateria Fortino will dedicate a day to ice cream in the elementary and middle schools of Cariati, offering all students and teachers the artisanal ice cream with the Flavour of the Year. From 22 May to 31 August 2022, on the other hand, the Bar Gelateria del Viale and the Caffetteria del Viale di Fiano Romano They will give their customers the chance to win nice prizes and even a week-long vacation for five people. While in St. Mark's Square in Venice the celebrations of the tenth anniversary of the European Day of Artisanal Gelato will continue in September with theVeneto Gelato Association and the participation of as many as 30 Veneto ice cream parlours.

Also in September, the second phase of the video contest organized by Artglace that calls on European ice cream makers to juggle with creativity and mastery between chocolate, hazelnuts, fresh ricotta and figs in rum syrup – the ingredients of the official recipe of "Dolce Sinfonia" – creating a short 90-second video in which to show the preparation of the absolute Taste protagonist of the tenth anniversary of Gelato Day (complete rules available on the website).