Gelato Day arrives in Madrid.
On the occasion of the trade fair “Intersicop” The President of Anhcea, Marco A. Miquel, invited the European Delegations belonging to Artglace to the official presentation of the new Gelato Day website, confirming the participation of Spanish gelato makers in the event on 24 March 2019.
At the Artglace Assembly, and during the competition of the Championship of Artisan Ice Cream Makers of Spain, the students of the Hotel Institute were present as Artglace hostesses “I. Cavalcanti” of S. G. in Teduccio (Naples), Valeria Ascione and Martina Damiano, who, after the Mig of Longarone and the Sigep of Rimini, have completed, in Madrid, a training course as part of the school-work alternation project.